The Five Star Movement (Movimento 5 Stelle, M5S), and even before the Meetup, have always used the Meetup platform to create groups in the area.
These groups arise from aggregations of people who share the Grillo thought and decide to open a meetup and connect with each other. It can be said that the engine on the territory of M5S are the meetups, where activists do things.
Banquets, collected signatures, submission of electoral lists, events, information evenings, various meetings and more.
The voters of M5S may be different and not necessarily participating actively in the five-starred initiatives: they not necessarily belong to a meetup. They are not necessarily members of the Beppe Grillo portal.
Maybe they read Grillo's blog, without even knowing a single thing g about what is happening before their eyes.
Grillo continuosly talks about the spontaneity of the movement, but let's see if everything is just so spontaneous or if a superior director exists.
2004, January 22
Gianroberto Casaleggio, former Webegg CEO, founds the Casaleggio Associati; from the very beginning, some guys join the company as partners:
- Davide Casaleggio (former consultant in Webegg and son of Gianroberto)
- Mario Bucchich (former head of communications in Webegg)
- Luca Eleuteri (former head of many functional areas in Webegg)
Maurizio Benzi (another former Webegg employee) joins the company as well.
Who is Maurizio Benzi?
Maurizio Benzi works in the web-marketing area, at first in Webegg and since 2004 in Casaleggio Associati; watch his profile.
January 2005:
Grillo's blog opens
In january 2005 Grillo starts his blog, on the advice of Casaleggio.
So let's understand when, how, where and by whom the first meetups were born.
What is the first meetup? Who opened it? Was he just a citizen fond of the Grillo thought?
2005, June 10: the 1st Meetup
Maurizio Benzi (Casaleggio's employee) founds the meetup Milano 1.
It 's the first meetup of the Friends of Beppe Grillo in Italy. It was opened in Milan, the city where the headquarters of the Casaleggio Associati are, by an employee of the same Casaleggio Associati.
This is Benzi's profile on the Milan meetup: the date of registration to the platform is the same as the date of the founding of the same meetup: 2005, June 10.
It is only in the following weeks and months that Beppe Grillo will start sponsoring the meetup in his shows.
2005, July 27
The first meeting of citizens takes place, organized through the meetup Milano 1 (here is the calendar).
Maurizio Benzi is the organizer of the meetup. The organizer is the one who holds the keys of the meetup platform.

The master of ceremonies Benzi speaks from the stage; Gianroberto Casaleggio, as well as his son Davide, take part
Here are the photos.
2005, September 18
Beppe Grillo attends the meeting; a very satisfied Benzi is at his side.
A small funny fact: back in 2005 the photographer of Beppe Grillo performances was already, oddly enough, Mario Bucchich
(click here to see the pictures).
Maurizio Benzi, as a Casaleggio's employee, is a candidate for the 2013 political eletions in Italy 2013 in the Lombardia 3 district (not elected).
So what?
Everything is lawful, all legal, but how can a movement created from scratch by a marketing company, by Casaleggio and his employees, be spontaneous?
One head one vote? Democracy by the everyday people?
Everything was already prepared, everything set up before, it's everything but a citizens' movement!
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