09 maggio 2013

Chinese article and interview (Articolo e intervista...in cinese)

[Italiano] Vi indico il link su inewsweek.cn, un magazine cinese su cui è comparso un articolo sulla trasparenza del M5S e una mia breve intervista.
Purtroppo è...in cinese e nemmeno i traduttori automatici aiutano molto. 
Cliccate qui per leggerlo, buon divertimento :)
Di seguito riporto le domande e risposte originali e in inglese, sulla base delle quali è stato tratto l'articolo.
[English] Here is an article that appeared on the chinese magazine inewsweek.cn; it's about the transparency of Five Star Movement and it includes a short interview they made with me.
Unfortunately the article is written in chinese and even google translator cannot sort it out in a decent way...

Here is the link, have fun :)

What follow are the original questions and answers we exchanged by email and that were used as a basis for the article:

1) Why do you think this movement's foundation to make so many elites (including you of course) contribute to it and apeals so many followers?

People like me, who could contribute to the growth of the movement, actually contributed very little, because they are removed. Beppe Grillo and Gianroberto Casaleggio, the true mind of M5S, want an army of people working in silence and with bowed head, so that only they can manage M5S. In Italy we have a political force that has 25% and is entirely run by a company that does marketing. This company will make the country's interests or follow his business? More Grillo's blog is followed, the more its economic value increases. Grillo has much following because it has excellent communication skills, turns on the spirits, catalyses people, intercepts their fears and gives voice to people’s anger which, in this time of crisis, are sorely tried.

2) What is your opinion of their performance in houses so far as a new political party or movement?  

The M5S obtained an important election result mainly for the failures of the political class, if we did not have a political class unable to govern, the M5S would not have been so successful. The M5S represents a sharp break with the old policy, its goal is to send home all politicians and start from scratch. In the future will make opposition to the bitter end, but trying to carry on his battles. Understand how to affect the government is impossobile. If we think about the election of the Presidents of the Chamber and Senate, the result was good, there were elected to two people outside the usual political schemes. But if we look at the election of the President of the Republic, we understand how actually the old policy can do what it wants despite the M5S.

3) How do you see the withdrawing from consideration of the top two number of their direct elected presidential candidates? And would you like to say the reason you and some other then members of Five Star Movements left it?

The "quirinarie" were an online poll to ask to members of the M5S who wanted them as President of the Republic. Members have suggested names of people outside M5S without the people involved were consulted, and they have made their proposal. Milena Gabanelli and Gino Strada declined the invitation.
My situation is different. I have been kicked out of M5S by Grillo and Casaleggio because I criticized some of their choices that I did not think right.

4) When did you get to meet Mr. Grillo and join M5S?

It was 2008, and in Italy another government fell yet. This time Prodi fell. I realized that the political class was not able to govern the country and it was necessary to engage in first person. The governament had miserably failed another time. For a couple of years I was reading the blog of Beppe Grillo, I appreciated his complaints and I decided to go and meet the group of "Beppe Grillo’s friends" in Bologna. I met people who wanted to be actively engaged in the city, to do something about it. In 2009, there were local elections and we organized the Civic Beppegrillo.it in which I candidated myself. I was elected councilor in the Navile district of Bologna. My mandate was short: it began in July 2009 and ended in February 2010 following the resignation of Mayor Flavio Delbono who was involved in the Cinzia-gate. Despite the short experience I realized the importance of being in the institutions to really affect the political decisions of the city. Meanwhile, the real Movement 5 Stars was born. After the long city commissioner, that it lasted almost two years, we presented a Civic for the elections in 2011 and I was elected Councilor.

5) Would you mind sharing your biogaraphy to me? Just wanna make an introduction to the readers of you .

I was born in Bologna on 09/25/1972
I graduated high school at the Liceo Scientifico Statale Copernicus in 1991
I got married in 1996, in 1999 my first daughter was born, in 2002 second child and in 2003 the third child.
My first work experience was the campaign of apricots in the summer between the third and the fourth year of high school ... the funniest thing was to do the "war" with rotten apricots, the best thing was just the flavor of ripe apricots picked from the tree, still warm from the sun.
Since 1991 I work at a graphic decorations advertising. I started washing the dirty brushes, then I started to use brushes ... In the several years I have been in the production department, graphics department, sales department, now administrative office.
While I work, I continue to study. In no particular order and in the several years I have done or I'm doing:
graphic design school in Treviso (one year WE switched to TV)
computer course
course of airbrush
course of oil painting (The worst thing was the smell dell'acquaragia, the best thing was to see the spots of color magically take shape, but the form that you want to own, not any shape!)
courses of non-verbal communication and body language (I pretend to understand others ... but actually I have known myself better)
stage theater and improvisational theater (that laugh)
stage dances and of course boogie woogie (struggling)
stage and singing lessons
Experiences "sports" all at an amateur level and strictly in random order, swimming, ice and wheels skating, volleyball, skiing and cross country skiing, hiking and free-climbing, rafting (the one on the Rio Colorado was unique). The most crazy: paragliding and a kind of bungee jumping.
I joined the scouts at the age of 9 years and I have been up to 21. I did volunteer work at the House of Charity and Public Assistance.
I really love to travel (my wallet a little 'less) and usually I'm not going to the same place. The first major trip was in Brazil at age 21 with the scouts. We have traveled far and wide, guests at various missions. I've been twice on the road around Europe, and twice on the road in the United States. Kenya, Tunisia, Marocco, Croazia, Spain, France and the Maldives (10 to celebrate our ten years of marriage).

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